Doubting God's Dreams

Doubting God's Dreams
Advent Week 1: Zechariah 

When Zechariah saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. But the angel said to him: “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John”. Luke 1:12-13 NIV

Even the faithful can doubt or become skeptical; it’s in our human nature. God viewed Zechariah as righteous and blameless, but this faithful man went through a period of doubting as he lived a life of unfulfilled dreams. Even though he and Elizabeth had prayed for a child for many years, it appeared that their prayers were unheard and they would endure the humiliation of not having a son to carry on their family’s name. Perhaps, the disappointment of his unfulfilled dreams had bred an attitude of doubt and skepticism. When the angel, Gabriel, announced that Elizabeth would bear a son who would declare the arrival of the Messiah, Zechariah said, “How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years” (vs 18). This moment of doubt didn’t stop the fulfillment of Zechariah’s dreams, but it did silence his voice; God made Zechariah mute until the birth and naming of his son had taken place. With the return of his voice, this faithful doubter praised God for His mercies, grace, and the fulfillment of his dreams. 

Perhaps the lessons that Zechariah learned can help us when our own prayers seem to be unanswered.

1. Do you have prayers that you doubt God is going to answer? If so, what are those prayers?

2. Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed for the fulfillment of their dreams for a son for many years of their marriage. As the years passed, they remained faithful to God, despite their lack of a child. Have unanswered prayers caused you to become discouraged or doubtful? How can you continue to trust God and guard your heart against these feelings?  One idea could be to remember God’s faithfulness and His promises.

3. Write a prayer and talk to God about your unanswered prayers and any emotions you may be feeling. He already knows what’s in your heart, but admitting it to Him is the first step towards acceptance of God’s control and love.

4. Read Zechariah’s remembrance and song of praise in Luke 1:57-80.  Let His gratitude fill your heart with joy and turn your words to praise. 


Lord, you know the dreams of my heart and the disappointment I feel when they go un-fulfilled. Help me to not doubt, but, instead, remember to give my dreams to you, waiting patiently for your direction. Change my heart’s attitude so I can let go of any dreams that are not your plan for me. Fill me with gratitude and joy as I rest in your mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen. 

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